Quism app is a one stop solution for smart virtual business cards with NFC feature and Bar code CV making feature for users to describe their work profile. Quism also works for businesses to hire the right candidates keeping in mind the work culture Quism bridges the gap in network communication or every individual. We cater to all working and businesses for them to help them in networking and organisations and companies trying to find the best recruitments. Catering to all kinds of working individuals Quism is here to change the game of contact storage and sharing.
From digital business cards to barcode CVs, Quism has everything you need to elevate your professional profile.
You can share your card with others by simply tapping your phone on their device using the NFC feature.
you can also create a barcode version of your CV or resume.
The detailed documentation helps you for your entire project.
Quism is a powerful app that offers a range of features to help professionals create, manage, and share their work profiles in a convenient and innovative way.
Smart virtual business cards
Near Field Communication (NFC) technologyo
Barcode CV making feature
Customizable Profiles
Available in Multiple Languages
Data Security & Advanced Encryption Technology
Manjusha, Grand Helios
1102 A/7 model colony Lakaki road
Shivaji Nagar Pune 16